Github Ordered To Identify User Who Leaked Twitter Source Code

Twitter will be able to determine whether the source code was posted by one of the thousands of employees laid off following Elon Musk's purchase of the company last year.

Github Ordered To Identify User Who Leaked Twitter Source Code - RAVZGADGET.
Github Ordered To Identify User Who Leaked Twitter Source Code.
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When portions of Twitter’s source code were discovered on Github earlier this year, the social media company requested that the collaborative programming network reveal the identity of the user who posted it.

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The US District Court for the Northern District of California has issued a subpoena to Github demanding that it identify GitHub user “FreeSpeech Enthusiast,” including “name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), email address(es), social media profile data, and IP address(es), for the user(s) associated with.”

According to the New York Times, Twitter executives believe the leak was caused by a disgruntled former employee.

Depending on the information provided by Github, Twitter will be able to determine whether the source code was posted by one of the thousands of employees laid off following Elon Musk’s purchase of the company last year.

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In addition to the leaker’s identity, the order requests that Github identify users who “posted, uploaded, downloaded, or modified the data.” Github has until April 3 to complete the data collection.

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