Ravzgadget is 100% tech and 0% general news. Our niche includes and is limited to gadgets, software, social media, google, amazon, laptops, phones, internet, apple and science. Non-tech news is a turn-off!!
We’re passionate about technology news and review stories we tell through text, pictures and videos.
Next to our hearts at Ravzgadget:
(1) Telling the latest tech stories to the real community (2) Shunning every element of fake-news (3) Acting on readers feedback.
Ravzgadget is an investment of SurgeZirc Media focusing mainly on technology news and review.
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We’re entrepreneurial. We believe in working with both small and mega partners in pursuing credible goals that can make a difference. Ravzgadget provides much more opportunity for working with industries both in the advertising and promotion of contents to rich a wider number. There’s power in number and the wider the better. Let’s work through the risks together and celebrate the targeted success together too.
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Our social media hooks…
Twitter – https://twitter.com/ravzgadget
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