CD Projekt has announced a Pokémon Go-like augmented reality mobile game set in The Witcher’s universe. It’s called The Witcher: Monster Slayer, and it’s being developed by Spokko, the studio CD Projekt established in 2018 to work on mobile games. As you probably know, CD Projekt is the parent company of the studio behind the mainline Witcher games.
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Like in Pokémon Go and Harry Potter Wizards Unite, Monster Slayer will use your location data for gameplay. Yes, you’ll have to venture out of your home to find and fight creatures in augmented reality. The game is set long before Geralt’s time and will take you on a journey towards becoming a Witcher through story-driven quests inspired by the Witcher series.
Its battle system isn’t that different from what you’re used to when it comes to walking games. You’ll have to train your character, brew potions and oils, craft bombs and select the right equipment (like swords) to defeat creatures across the continent. You won’t be catching monsters with a Poké ball, though — you’ll be slaying them and earning trophies whenever you do.
Unfortunately, Spokko has yet to reveal when the game will be available. For now, you can sign up to get the latest news on its website and watch this trailer announcement:
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