WhatsApp has finally added payments feature to its chat app. According to the platform, starting 15th June 2020, WhatsApp users in Brazil will be able to send money and pay for purchases from local merchants while still on the platform.
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The chat app adding a payment method is done via Facebook Pay, which means you can use the same information you have saved to Facebook to buy things on the platform’s Marketplace page and send money to friends over Messenger.
At launch, the app is compatible with cards issued by Banco do Brasil, Nubank and Sicredi, provided they’re backed by either Visa or Mastercard. Each transaction is authorized with either a six-digit pin or a fingerprint scan.
Regular WhatsApp users do not need to pay any fees for sending money or making purchases. That’s the standard in the space. With Venmo, for instance, sending money to someone is free so long as you don’t use your credit card to do so.
WhatsApp payments also build on the catalog functionality the company introduced last year. The latter allows entrepreneurs to build a mobile storefront for their business, and that’s the part of the app where WhatsApp users in Brazil can buy things.
Facebook actually started working on adding payments to WhatsApp since 2017. In 2018, the company started testing the feature in India, which is WhatsApp’s biggest regional market.
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Part of the delay that was encountered in getting payments out to more users likely has to do with the fact that Facebook spent a lot of time building out back-end features like Facebook Pay.
Facebook did not say exactly when the pay feature will roll out to everyone, but said it’s coming very soon.
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