Chrome For Mobile Introduces Handy Action Shortcuts For Local Businesses

These updates include quicker access to crucial information, trending searches, and live sports scores in the discovery feed. One of the most noteworthy additions is the Chrome Actions for local businesses.

Chrome For Mobile Introduces Handy Action Shortcuts For Local Businesses - Ravzgadget
Chrome For Mobile Introduces Handy Action Shortcuts For Local Businesses.
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Google is continually refining its Chrome mobile apps to enhance user experience. Recently, the Android and iOS versions of the browser have received subtle yet impactful quality-of-life improvements.

These updates include quicker access to crucial information, trending searches, and live sports scores in the discovery feed. One of the most noteworthy additions is the Chrome Actions for local businesses.

Chrome Actions, preset tasks appearing in the browser’s address bar triggered by specific keywords, now feature a dedicated shortcut for local businesses. When searching for a nearby restaurant, for example, a shortcut will appear at the top of the bar.

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This shortcut displays the eatery’s name, address, and includes buttons to call, get directions, or read reviews. This feature is currently available on Chrome for Android and will be coming to iOS this fall.

Another significant improvement is the introduction of usage-based shortcut suggestions. Chrome for mobile will now learn your frequently typed phrases and prioritize related links in search suggestions.

For instance, if you often type “schedules” to view the city metro’s webpage, this link will appear more prominently in your recommendations. This feature ensures that your most visited sites are always within easy reach.

The Discover feed in Chrome mobile, which shows contextual cards when opening a new tab or the Google app, now includes live sports scores. When a team you follow is playing, a discover card will display the live score, updating automatically.

Additionally, trending searches are now available on iOS, a feature previously exclusive to Android. Lastly, Chrome’s tablet address bar has been redesigned to align better with Google’s Material You design language and now includes the current website at the top for easier navigation.

You can read more about these exciting updates on Google’s official blog.

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