iPhone Has Overtaken Android To Claim Majority Of US Phone Market

Google most likely has nothing to be concerned about. After all, the iPhone has always had a disproportionate presence in the United States in comparison to other markets. Nonetheless, the company is most likely closely monitoring the situation.

iPhone Has Overtaken Android To Claim Majority Of US Smartphone Market - RAVZGADGET
iPhone Has Overtaken Android To Claim Majority Of US Smartphone Market.
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For the first time, iPhones outnumber all other types of smartphones in use in the United States. According to data from analytics firm Counterpoint Research, the iPhone surpassed the entire Android ecosystem in June to claim 50 percent of the US market share.

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As a result, Apple now has the largest share of the American smartphone market. Apple accomplished the feat thanks to the iPhone’s “active installed base,” a metric that includes all people who use an iOS device after purchasing a used one.

iOS (then known as iPhone OS) never had a market share of more than 50% in the early days of the iPhone. Companies like Blackberry, Nokia, and Motorola dominated the smartphone market at the time.

By 2010, two years after its launch, Android had surpassed iOS in terms of install base. According to Statcounter, Google’s mobile operating system has been the dominant force in the global smartphone market since then, claiming more than 70% market share as of 2022.

Google most likely has nothing to be concerned about. After all, the iPhone has always had a disproportionate presence in the United States in comparison to other markets. Nonetheless, the company is most likely closely monitoring the situation.

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“This is a significant milestone that we could see replicated in other affluent countries around the world,” Counterpoint’s research director Jeff Fieldhack told The New York Times. Apple dominated the premium smartphone market in Q2 2022, accounting for 57 percent of all sales in the segment and showing no signs of slowing down.

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