Elon Musk Says Starlink Won’t Block Russian Media Outlets ‘Unless At Gunpoint’

The European Union announced on February 27th that it would ban Russian state-backed media outlets Russia Today and Sputnik for spreading misinformation and "lies to justify Putin's war."

Elon Musk Says Starlink Won’t Block Russian Media Outlets Unless At Gunpoint - Ravzgadget
Elon Musk Says Starlink Won’t Block Russian Media Outlets ‘Unless At Gunpoint’.
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Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, stated that some governments recently instructed the company to block Russian media outlets from using its Starlink satellite broadband service.

Musk declared in a tweet early Saturday that the company would not comply with the request “unless at gunpoint.” According to Musk, the demand did not originate in Ukraine. “Sorry to be a free speech absolutist,” he added.

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Elon Musk also stated that SpaceX would temporarily shift its priorities to focus on cybersecurity and signal jamming, which would result in “slight delays” in the rollout of its Starship reusable rocket and Starlink V2 satellites.

SpaceX’s stance contrasts with a growing number of companies that have blocked access to Russian state media across Europe in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

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The European Union announced on February 27th that it would ban Russian state-backed media outlets Russia Today and Sputnik for spreading misinformation and “lies to justify Putin’s war.”

Both Facebook and Googles YouTube acted quickly to comply with the order, restricting access to their European outlets.

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