Samsung has announced a new collaboration with designer Sami Miró to make its Android-based Galaxy Watch 4 more fashionable. According to the company, the Sami Miró Vintage collection includes six watchbands and three watch faces with a sustainability and wellness theme.
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Two colors called “Stratus Sky” and “Midnight Black” are made from an “innovative apple peel skin material sourced from waste recovered from the fruit industry,” Samsung noted. They go with most outfits, offer the premium look of leather but are “completely vegan and cruelty free.”
The other bands are made of an eco-friendly, non-toxic TPU material that are non-plasticized and can be recycled. Those come in “Aurora Night,” “Cloud Navy,” “Earth Sunrise” and “Dawn Atlas” colors.
The bands’ color palette ranges from violet to aqua blue to mauve-pink, in addition to black and grey leather-look models. Those hues can also be found on the watch faces, which are dubbed SMV Atlas I, SMV Serenity, and SMV Atlas II.
“The collection draws inspiration from the beauty and colors of Mother Earth to serve as a reminder to prioritize mindfulness, health, wellness, and sustainability each day,” Samsung wrote.
This aligns with the Galaxy Watch 4’s emphasis on health, which includes features for measuring oxygen, stress, water intake, and sleep patterns.
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It also has fitness features such as guided workouts, group challenges, and others. The limited-edition collection is now available on starting at $40.