E Learning Has Become the Modern Day of Teaching

Two months later, the world is still facing the Queen of all viruses that has occurred worldwide. Still battling with the Corona Virus, production of sales have been put to a stop. We best believe that the only way in moving forward is to come up with ideas that will be beneficial.

e learning for students
E Learning the modern age of learning
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Two months later, the world is still facing the Queen of all viruses that has occurred worldwide. Still battling with the Corona Virus, production of sales have been put to a stop. We best believe that the only way in moving forward is to come up with ideas that will be beneficial.

The most important aspect, is being able to work and study from home during this global pandemic. However, not having access to fibre might be a hassle to some learners that are under privileged. Having schools remain shut for two months many interactional platforms have been provided for students to engage in online learning.
One of the biggest online learning giant is the BYJU’S which for March alone it has recorded over six million students using their platform. The company revealed that early registered students would get free data to use 2-3 days a week. Chief Operating Officer Mrinal Mohit of the BYJU said,

“There is a 200% increase in the online engagement on the app. This shows that with schools continuing to be shut and all other learning sources being unavailable, digital adoption has increased significantly during this time. There has been a big behavioural shift in the parents, mind-set towards learning online as they have witnessed their kids benefiting from it.” He further expressed,

“The trends we’ve seen over the last two months represent a significant acceleration in the transformation to a new future of work. Our call centre traffic has also increased proportionately, and demand for online classes is also growing everyday”

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