Twitter Embarks On Clear Replies

Ultimately, Twitter has given people their fair share of privacy in terms of who they communicating with, security settings and other optional settings to your Twitter account. Twitter might give us a new concept of practically making thing easy for us

Twitter Responces
Twitter implements direct responses in order to refrain confusion
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Ultimately, Twitter has given people their fair share of privacy in terms of who they communicating with, security settings and other optional settings to your Twitter account. Twitter might give us a new concept of practically making thing easy for us.

Twitter has been off peak testing their new conversation layout which makes it obvious to whom you’re chatting with. Getting a few hints on the GIF posted by Twitter Support Account, the new upgraded version makes it clear to whom the reply is meant for without tweeters assuming the most.

Twitter Support tweeted,
“Your conversations are the heart of twitter, so we’re testing ways to make them easier to read and follow. Some of you on iOS and web will see a new layout for replies with lines and indentions that make it clearer who is talking to whom and to fit more of the conversation one view”


It has been shown that twitter has been experiencing a few lads on trying new features, which included putting labels on specific conversation threads. After mid-February, this thread many iOS users found it similar to the first thread Twitter rolled out.
Unfortunately, this was only a public experiment on how users would feel with this new implemented feature. During the present moments of experiencing this feature, only iOS users witnessed this feature play out on their phones.

Luckily, if this feature gets loved by everyone including Android users. It’s most definitely going to be shipped in every Twitter account also, giving the account holders and option to go public or private with their Tweets.

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1 year ago

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