The first trailer for Prodigy, CBS’s first fully computer-animated Star Trek series, has been released. The clip introduces us to the show’s diverse cast of characters. They’re trapped on what appears to be a mining colony, trying to find a way out.
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They happen to come across a grounded Starfleet vessel known as the USS Protostar, and it’s their ticket to adventure.
A familiar voice declares at the end of the trailer, “We’ve only just begun.” Kate Mulgrew will reprise her role as Captain Kathryn Janeway in Star Trek: Prodigy, albeit in holographic form.
If you live outside the United States, you can watch the video on the official Star Trek Twitter account. We will make a note of it here.
CBS Viacom also released a trailer for Lower Decks’ second season. Star Trek: Prodigy will premiere on Paramount+ this fall before moving to Nickelodeon.
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